Monday, October 1, 2018

EIGHTH Blogoversary Giveaway for A Night's Dream of Books!!!

Welcome to the Eighth
Blogoversary Giveaway Celebration
A Night's Dream of Books!!!

The actual date I published 
my very first post
was Sept. 22, 2010, and....
blogoversary!!! OMG!!! 
One of my blogging buddies, though,
was nice enough to remind me, 
so here's my post! Lol!
That buddy is Anto, who blogs @
Forest of a Thousand Books!

This giveaway starts at midnight 
today,  Oct. 1st, 2018, and will end 
at midnight on Nov. 2nd, 2018!!

Another year has flown by.....and it's now been EIGHT years since I published that first post! I can hardly believe it.....

And now.....

A HUGE "thank you" to all my 
readers, followers, and 
commenters for the past EIGHT years!!!!
You have all been WONDERFUL!!!!

In honor of you all, this is
an INTERNATIONAL giveaway!!!!!
One very lucky winner will get
ONE book of their choice
The book selected by the winner 
can be a YA or adult book! 
(Total value: $20.00!!!!)

Before entering the giveaway,
just make sure that TBD delivers to
your country!
You can do that HERE.

Also, please be sure to actually 
perform the action for each
entry you click on.

You must be at least 13 years old
to enter, or have a parent or guardian
enter for you. Please reply to an
email notification of prize won
within 48 hours, or another
winner will be chosen.



  1. Happy anniversary Maria! (Better late than never!)

    1. Hi, Verushka!

      Thanks!! Yeah, better late than never!! Lol.

      You forgot to let me know which book you'd like to win, and why. If you can, please come back and do so, okay? That was the question you were supposed to answer for the blog comment giveaway option.

      Thanks for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)

  2. Ahhh happy blogoversary Maria!!! Huge congrats. Eight years is an AMAZING feat!!

    I also just realised I haven't been to your blog in so long!! So sorry! I've been so bad about blog hopping recently :( Hope you're doing well though?

    Have a wonderful October!! :) <3

    As for the book I'd like to win....I think I'll say Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco. It looks so good!

    1. Hi, Amy!

      Awwww....thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3

      Yeah, you haven't visited in a while, I know. No worries! Life gets complicated, so I can understand. I've gotten WAY behind on commenting back on blog, myself!

      Yes, I'm doing well! Hope you are, too!! I hope we'll get back to dropping by on each other's blogs, too!! <3 <3 <3

      Hop you have a wonderful October, as well!! <3 :)

      Oooohhh.....SHIVERS!! Not my cup of tea AT ALL!! But if that's the book you want, and you happen to be the winner, I'll be more than happy to send it to you!!

      Thanks for entering the giveaway!! HUGS!!! <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)

  3. Congratulations on 8 years! I'm about to 'celebrate' 10 years on twitter and even with almost zero involvement it feels like ages, so I can only imagine what it feels like when it's something you put so much love and effort in, as you do here.

    Anyway, hmmm, what book would I want? I'm honestly not sure, so many books on my wishlist, but I'll say Graceling by Kristin Cashore because I read it a few years ago (I think it was one of the first YA fantasy I read) and I remember that I really liked the magic system, how birth control was mentioned, and the way the relationship between the MC and her love interest progressed.
    Thank you so much for the giveaway!
    (I love your blog header, btw. My kitty looks at me with that exact face... then he 'attacks', heh)

    1. Hi, Reese!

      Oh, thank you SO much!! The time has gone by SO fast, too!! :) :)

      WOW! Ten years on Twitter is certainly a LOT. :)

      Thank you SO much for the lovely compliment on my blog!! Music to my ears!! Yes. I've certainly put a lot of love and effort into it!! <3 <3

      Oh, man, I have the very same problem! Lol. Not only do I have a LOT of books on my TBR (on Goodreads), but I also have a LOT of unread books sitting on my shelves! LOL. I think all of us bookworms are in the same boat! :) :)

      Oh, "Graceling"!! That's a GREAT choice!! I want to read that one myself!! From your description, it certainly sounds GREAT!! I'll keep it in mind, as it's already on my Goodreads shelves!

      You're very welcome for the giveaway!! Funny how I almost forgot my own blogoversary, right? LOL.

      Thank you for the compliment on my blog header!! When I first came across it, I thought it was just TOO cute and funny!! I don't like anything scary for Halloween. And how CUTE that your kitty looks at you that way! Lol. I don't have a cat, but I sure like them!! ]

      Thanks for the WONDERFUL comment, and for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)

  4. Happy belated blogoversary!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi, Freda!

      Thank you!! Yes, I almost missed my own blogoversary!! LOL.

      You forgot to tell me which book you'd like to win, and why. That's the question you're supposed to answer in your comment. If you can, please come back and answer that, okay?

      Thanks for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)

  5. Huge congrats.. I would love to win one of the best sellers this year

    1. Hi, Calvin!

      Thanks!! You forgot to let me know which one you'd like to win, and why. If you can, please come back and do so, okay?

      Thanks for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)

  6. Happy blogoversary! That's awesome. I have really been wanting to read The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager :)

    1. Hi, Burma!

      Thank you!! Yeah, it's been great!! <3

      I haven't heard of that book, but I'll look it up on Goodreads. Wish you had told me why you're interested in it....

      Thanks for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)


  7. Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3). Thank you
    Happy Blogoversary!

    1. Hi, Linda!

      Oh, GREAT choice!! I want to read that series myself!!

      You're welcome for the giveaway! Thanks for the congrats, and for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)

  8. Congratulations! 8 years is a long time. I know it takes a great deal to run a blog so thank you for all you share with us. You should be so proud. I think my book choice would be Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi.

    1. Hi, Misit!

      Thank you!! Yes, eight years is certainly a long time, but it all went by so fast..... :(

      I thank you as well for your kind words regarding about what I share here on my blog. You're so sweet! :) It's SO rewarding when my hard work is appreciated!! <3 <3

      Oh, "Restore Me"!! That's another series I want to get into!! GREAT choice!!

      Thanks for the lovely comment, and for entering the giveaway!! <3 <3 :) :)

  9. 8 years is wonderful! Congrats <3
    I'd love to win a copy of Alex, Approximatly by Jenn Bennet :)
    Megan S.

    1. Hi, Megan!

      Thanks for the congrats!! <3 It's been eight WONDERFUL years, and I sure hope for many more!!

      I've heard of this book, and it's supposed to be really good! Love your choice!!

      Thanks for the nice comment, and for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)

  10. would love to get searching for jane austen by emily auerbach :) thanks so much!

    1. Hi, there!

      Oh, I hadn't heard of that one! Sounds good!!

      You're very welcome! Thanks for entring!! <2 :)

  11. Cut to the Bone by Jefferson Bass because I love his (their, actually) books.

    1. Hi, there!

      OMG!!!! CREEEEEPY!!! I would not read this book even with all the lights turned on at night, or in the middle of the day! Lol. But if you're the winner, and this is the book you want, then I'll make sure you get it!

      Thanks for participating! <3 :)

  12. Happy, happy, happy blogoversary and wishing you many more amazing to come!!
    I would love to get a copy of Vengeful by V.E. Schwab (UK edition) 'cause I've just recently finished and absolutely loved Vicious. Such a great book!
    Thank you for a generous giveaway!!

    1. Hi, Sandra!

      Thank you SO much!! <3 <3 I can hardly believe that EIGHT years have already gone by!!

      "Vengeful" does sound a bit creepy, but, if that's the book you want, then, if you win, I'll order it for you!

      You're very welcome for the giveaway!! Thanks for participating!! <3 :)

  13. Happy blogoversary! Many more to come!

    I will most likely choose something by Mia Sheridan :) Thank you!

    (KateS on rafflecopter)

    1. Hi, Kate!

      Thank you SO much!! Yes, I do hope to be blogging about books for a VERY long time to come! :) :)

      Oh, I haven't heard of that author. I'll be sure to look her up on Goodreads!

      You're very welcome! Thanks for participating!! <3 :)

  14. Happy blogoversary! 8 years is such a great achievement. I would choose Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas. :)

    1. Hi, Febie!

      Thank you SO much!! I really appreciate your kind words!! <3 <3

      I don't Maas myself, but if that's the book you want, you'll DEFINITELY get it, if you're the winner!

      Thanks for participating!! <3 :)

  15. Hi, Lily!

    Yeah, that's a GOOD one!

    Thanks for participating! <3 :)

  16. Eight whole years. OH MY GOD
    I remember visiting your blog for the first time when I entered a giveaway you were hosting. Yes, I came for the giveaway and the possibility of a free book, but then I stayed for the fantastic content, the books you talk about, the recommendations and, of course, your love for Twilight ;) But most important, I stayed for the wonderful person behind every post. María, you're kind, and honest, and caring. We've talked about personal stuff via email, and I got to know you a little bit better because of that, but I'm pretty sure those readers who haven't and just know you through what they read on your posts can also tell that. You know I've mentioned this before, but I don't care, I'll continue repeating the same, because it's worth mentioning it: I LOVE it when a blogger comments back. A lot of people don't do that, and that's okay, but I just adore finding people who take the time to go through every comment that they receive on the content they put out there, and then interact with their readers, make them feel part of the blog, care about their opinions. You're one of those wonderful people, my friend. And that quality of yours is what makes this blog one of my favorites ♥ I'm here for what you write, for the books you review, for the covers that you gush about and for what you recommend to us, yes, but I love how you manage to make us feel part of this blog at the same time :)
    Congratulations on eight fantastic years, and I hope we all get to continue enjoying your content for many, many more! I wish you and your blog nothing but the best ♥ ¡Un abrazo enorme, enorme, amiga, y muchísimas felicidades! ¡Ocho años es un logro GIGANTE, y estoy muy feliz por ti! ♥

    PS: okay, I just realized that I actually have to comment about the book that I want to win, and why. Forgive my emotions, María lol Well, I'm the proud owner of an endless wishlist, and picking one book is always difficult, but THE BOOK THIEF, by Markus Zusak, is one that I'm dying to read. I have the feeling that it's going to destroy me, but I'm ready for it, because I really want to see why so, so many people LOVE this book, and have it on their lists of all-time favorite books. So yeah, that would be my pick. And I think I'd even go for a HB edition in Spanish that I saw on BD! ♥

    1. Hi, Anto!

      OMG, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You are SO SWEET!!! <3 <3 <3

      I greatly appreciate your kind words! It's SO WONDERFUL to have all of my hard work throughout the years appreciated like this! But then, you, too, have all the qualities you've mentioned! In fact, you're one of the NICEST people I've ever met through my blogging!! <3 <3 <3

      Yeah, I do my very best to comment back for every single comment! (Of course, if someone doesn't have a blog, there's no place for me co comment back, lol.) And I also reply to comments left here on my blog. Sometimes I do fall behind, though, because it's a constant battle to do those two things, and balance them with creating and publishing new posts. But I do try to do them both, because that's the way to create great relationships through blogging!

      I can't believe it's been EIGHT years already....LOL. As the saying goes, "Time flies when you're having fun!" :) :)
      I think people can tell, when they visit this blog and read my posts, that I am indeed having a LOT of fun working on my blog! But heck, the word "working" doesn't really fit here, lol. I ENJOY creating new posts, and interacting with visitors and regular readers! These things are not "work" at all! I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have this blog! Life would be VERY boring, I think!! :) :)

      And now for the book you're picked. I actually own THE BOOK THIEF, would you believe! And I have yet to read it! OMG, I have SO many books sitting on my shelves that I want to read, it's not even funny! But yes, it is!! :) :) :)

      This is a GREAT choice, Anto!! I've heard SO many GREAT things about this book!! So, of course, if you're the winner, I will DEFINITELY sent it to you!!

      Thank you SO much for your WONDERFUL words!! You have really lifted my spirits!!

      ¡Mil gracias por tus bellas palabras! ¡Que Dios te bendiga! ¡Buena suerte en este concurso, y te deseo todo lo mejor! ¡¡Un FUERTE abrazo!! ♥♥♥♥

  17. Happy Blogoversary ! I'm excited for The Light Between Worlds by Laura E. Weymouthbecause the plot is said to be like Narnia, and I love Narnia.

    1. Hi, Natasha!

      Thank you so much!! <3 :)

      Yes, I've heard that THE LIGHT BETWEEN WORLDS is excellent!! But I had no idea that it was like Narnia! WOW!! Now I need to add it to my Goodreads shelves! :) :)

      Thanks for mentioning this book! And thanks for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)


THIS IS NOW AN AWARD-FREE, AND TAG-FREE BLOG. Thanks for the compliment, though! : )

As of today, 9/23/18, I have permanently enabled comment moderation, due to a sudden rash of SPAM comments. I appreciate your patience!

Thanks for your thoughts on my posts! I always reply here, as well as comment back on your blog. Have a WONDERFUL day!! :)