Welcome to Shelf Candy Saturday!
*Late Edition*
This is my weekly feature
showcasing beautiful covers!
It also provides information,
if available, on their
very talented creators!
This week, I have a rather late 5 de Mayo Celebration post....but HECK, people are celebrating ALL weekend long, just like they did with St. Pat's Day!! So why not, right?!
So I'm doing something different for "Shelf Candy Saturday"!!
(or "Shelf Candy Sunday", lol......)
Please tell me WHY you like, or don't like, this cover, and you have a chance
to win the HARDCOVER edition of this book, which has just been published!!
You can also get EXTRA points, but only if you leave a comment first!
This giveaway starts today,
May 7, 2017, and
ends at midnight on
June 8, 2017!!
if available, on their
very talented creators!
This week, I have a rather late 5 de Mayo Celebration post....but HECK, people are celebrating ALL weekend long, just like they did with St. Pat's Day!! So why not, right?!
So I'm doing something different for "Shelf Candy Saturday"!!
(or "Shelf Candy Sunday", lol......)
Please tell me WHY you like, or don't like, this cover, and you have a chance
to win the HARDCOVER edition of this book, which has just been published!!
You can also get EXTRA points, but only if you leave a comment first!
This giveaway starts today,
May 7, 2017, and
ends at midnight on
June 8, 2017!!
A.G. Howard
Hardcover, 432 pages
Harry N. Abrams
January 10,2017
Fantasy, Retellings, Romance
Young Adult Fiction
Yes, I do think that this cover is beautiful, and very striking, as well!
But this week, I want YOU, my blog readers, to give me YOUR honest opinion about this cover. Do you agree with me that it's beautiful, or do you have a "MEH" opinion of it? Let me know your thoughts!
One lucky INTERNATIONAL winner will get a hardcover copy of this book! It doesn't matter whether or not you love this cover. Just give me your honest opinion! Everyone, no matter what their opinion, will get a chance to win this book!! So, if you HATE the cover, but LOVE the plot, you can still win!!
You must be at least 13 years old to enter this contest, or have a parent's or guardian's permission to do so. Please make sure that The Book Depository delivers to your country. You can do that by clicking HERE.
The winner will be notified by email, and will have 48 hours to reply. After that, another winner will be chosen.
Good luck to
What a great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI love all Howard's book covers, but I must admit, this is my least favourite. I love the creepy gothic-ness of it, but the girl's face just doesn't work for me. Her expression is almost too "happy" and bright, compared with the dark tone and colouring of the rest of the cover. She also looks slightly cocky and very mature, which isn't how I picture the main character. (Personally, I even think she looks too masculine to be how I imagine the main character to be, based off what Howard's said of her, etc).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the wonderful chance Maria! I'm dying to read this book! <3 <3 HUGS! :)
Amy @ A Magical World Of Words
Hi, Amy!
DeleteWOW!! You sure have a well-analyzed, thoughtful comment here! AWESOME!!
While I don't quite agree with your assessment of this cover, I did ask for people's honest opinions, and you've certainly done exactly that!! I admire the way you've detailed everything. You DEFINITELY know what you like and don't like about a cover!
One thing I do agree about is that the girl looks a bit too mature for a YA novel. She looks as if she might be in her mid to late twenties.
Of course, I LOVE the Gothic elements of this cover!
You're very welcome for the chance!! I already own this book, and I'm really looking forward to reading it, too!!
Thanks for the AWESOME comment!! HUGS BACK!! <3 <3 :) :)
It is a neat idea throwing this out to your commenters Maria.
ReplyDeleteI like this cover.
I think that what I will call "half mask" pictures are somewhat common? I find them a little uncanny. The cracks in the mask and the cuts on the woman's face add to this odd sense. The gnarled and thorny foliage as well as the odd contrast between read and the other colors do also.
This it is a a slightly disconcerting cover that I like a lot.
Have a great Sunday Maria!
Hi, Brian!
DeleteThanks for the good word!! <3 :) I haven't done this kind of thing for a while now. I'm glad you like the idea! I don't that many comments, so I do feel that those who do comment, as well as take the time to leave MEANINGFUL comments, should DEFINITELY get a chance to win a prize!
Yeah, half-mask pictures are definitely a little uncanny. And I agree with everything else you're stating about this cover. I think there's something eerie and yes, even creepy about it. Well, that goes very well with the Gothic theme, I think!
Thanks for a GREAT comment, as usual!! Hope you're having a WONDERFUL Sunday!! :) :) :)
To me is really cool, and interesting cover :)
ReplyDeleteQuite awesome! :)
I think what strikes me about this is that despite the thorns and the mask, there's still.somerhing innocent about her in all the darkness
ReplyDeleteHi, Verushka!
DeleteOh, that's a very good point! Yes, she does have a bit of innocence still, in spite of everything she's suffered. It's actually very poignant.
Thanks for the very insightful comment!! <3 <3 :) :)
I am not entering, but I wanted to say that I have loved all of the covers Nathalia Suellen has done for A.G.'s, books. I have shared this giveaway on my FB giveaways page and my FB book blog page. :)
ReplyDeleteHi, there!
DeleteYou know, I've taken a look at the covers for that series, and I can see it's the same GORGEOUS style!! I need to read those books, too!!
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment, even though you're not entering the giveaway! And DOUBLE THANKS for sharing this giveaway on your FB giveaways page, as well as on your FB blog page!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!
Thanks as well for this very lovely comment!! <3 <3 :) :)
A.G. saw the giveaway on my Facebook blog page and said she was going to share it on her giveaway page. :)
DeleteHi, again! Thanks SO MUCH for the support!! <3 <3 <3
DeleteI'm in the love with the cover. red is one my fav colours so, the use of the colour was great and the artwork is just magnificent.
ReplyDeleteHi, Keeana!
DeleteYes, the red in this cover is simply lovely! And I LOVE how well it goes with the blue (which is my fave color, lol)! I also agree that the artwork is magnificen!!
Thanks so much for commenting!! <3 :)
Hi, María! How have you been? It's been so long since the last time we spoke! I really want to email you one of these days, so... ;) Hope your doing okay, considering how you were feeling months ago, with the whole election thing :( * be always strong, my friend! *
ReplyDeleteAnyway, let's talk about happier stuff, and that definitely includes this book =D Back in January, when it was released, I already knew it. This book made it to my top ten most beautiful covers of the year. I guessed it was a The Phantom of the Opera retelling without even reading what the story was about. THAT MASK, my God ♥ I love this cover. Personally, I love covers with flowers on them, and those roses and thornes are beautiful, but at the same time, they give the whole picture a really creepy and gothic look. And the colors too! Blue + red, that blood, that look on the girl's face, the mask... Everything works just wonderfully to make an intriguing, yet gorgeous cover ♥
Thank you for the chance to win this book! I still want to read it as bad as I wanted to at the beginning of the year. I haven't read Leroux's book, but I've seen the The Phantom of the Opera movie tons of times, and I just adore it! So... Fingers crossed to be the lucky winner! ahaha
¡Un abrazo fuerte, María! :) :)
Hi, Antonela!!
DeleteIt's SO nice to hear from you!! I know it's been a long time.... I actually owe you an email reply! Sorry about that..... :(
I'm STILL upset over the election!! AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! I'm constantly tweeting about it, as well as posting on Facebook! Trump is a TOTAL embarrassment to the U.S. He's a BULLY and a BIGOT. I wish he were impeached already!!
But now I'm moving on to this GORGEOUS cover! Lol. So you have it on a list of your top ten favorite covers? AWESOME!! It DEFINITELY deserves to be there!! When I first saw this book, I was just....STUNNED by this cover!!
Like you, I knew right away that this was a Phantom of the Opera retelling. That mask makes it very obvious, of course.
I LOVE flowers on covers, too! And, as you know, blue is my favorite color, so I was VERY happy to see it on this cover!! You're so right about the entire combination of elements -- the colors, the roses, the thorns....everything comes together beautifully to make an OUTSTANDING cover!! And yes, the expression on the girl's face, the mask.... Just....WOW.
If you ever read Leroux's book, you'll notice some differences between the book and the 2004 movie.(I assume this is the one you saw, right?) In the book, the Phantom comes across pretty much as a monster. In fact, I would classify this book as a horror novel. I didn't like it at all!
There have been several movie versions of the book. You can find a complete list on Wikipedia. Just Google "Adaptations of 'The Phantom of the Opera' ". This is where I found the information about the movies I'm including here.
The 1925 film, originally a silent film, and later re-released with music and sound effects, followed Leroux's portrayal of Erik. The actor who played him was Lon Chaney, Sr. This was a horror movie, so I was never interested in seeing it! I HATE horror novels and movies!!
There have been other movie adaptations, such as one made in 1943, starring Claude Rains as the Phantom. However, my favorite is obviously the 2004 movie, starring Gerard Butler. Ooooh, I LOVE Gerard Butler!! That was an AWESOME film!! It was just SO BEAUTIFUL!!
You're very welcome for the chance to win this book!! I want to read it myself!!
Thanks for your WONDERFUL comment!! I'm glad to see that other people LOVE this cover just as much as I do!! Also, thanks for entering my "Beautiful Cover Giveaway"!!!
Take care!! Hope we can "talk" some more soon!! HUGS!!!! ¡Un fuerte abrazo para tí también! <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)
Hi Maria!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? This is the first time I comment your blog :) My name is Mailén and I'm from Argentina.
I didn't read the book yet but I think this cover it's amazing! Like it's a mixture between something mysterious, dark and full of passion. The girl seems to be in pain (and in love but with someone who hurts her or something like that), her eyes transmit me so much sadness. I really don't know much about the book because I prefer not to read the synopses of the books haha (usually contain spoilers). However, I would read it only for that beautiful cover :)
Thank you very much for this givaway!
Take care, XOXO
Hi, Mailén!
DeleteI'm doing great!! How about you? <3 :)
Welcome to my blog!! How nice to meet someone else from Argentina! Are you friends with Antonela? She's from Argentina, too, and SO nice!! Like you!!
I'm SO glad you love this cover!! Yes, it SURE is amazing!! I love your analysis of it; you have expressed the message of this cover very well! I think you're so right when you say that the girl is not only in pain, but she's probably being hurt by someone she loves. And yes, it definitely is a beautiful cover!
I'm SO happy that you would read this book just for the gorgeous cover!! You have great taste in book covers, too!!
You're very welcome for the giveaway!! Thanks for such a LOVELY, sweet comment!! You take care, too! And come back anytime!! HUGS!! ¡Un fuerte abrazo! <3 <3 :) :)
Thank you for the sweet reply!
DeleteI know Anto because we follow each other's blog but I love meeting people in the blogsphere so I hope to get to know her better :)
Thanks again for the amazing giveaway and for your great kindness ♡
¡Un fuerte abrazo!
Hi, again!!
DeleteAwww....you're very welcome!! <3 <3 <3
How nice that you guys follow each other! The blogosphere is an AWESOME place to meet really NICE people!!
You're more than welcome for the giveaway!! Glad you like it!! And you're so sweet for saying these very nice things about me! <3 <3 <3
HUGS!!!! ¡Un fuerte abrazo para tí también! <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)
I love this cover so so much. The colours are beautiful and the face is stunning in contrast with the background. I also love the font!
ReplyDeleteRafflecopter name: Megan S.
Hi, Megan!
DeleteYeah, I do too, and for the same reasons that you doo!! It's just such an INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL cover!! And the font id definitely perfect for it, as well!!
Thanks for the great comment!! <3 <3 :) :)
Hi, first of all, thanks for this giveaway. Then, I'm not English so I hope you'll be able to understand this comment xD : I kind of like the book cover. Especially the thorny branches and the little bit of red with the roses and lipstick. But there's something that... "bother" me (or make me uncomfortable). I think it's the mask and the way it makes thing asymmetrical, it's not that I don't like it, it just makes me feel like this book is "scary" xD Hard to explain
ReplyDeleteHi, Sandrine!
DeleteYou're very welcome for the giveaway!! I LOVE having these cover giveaways from time to time. I ADORE beautiful book covers!!!! Obviously, right? Lol.
I like the things you mention, too -- the thorny branches, and the touches of red. Good point!
I also agree with your assessment of the cover's feel. I do think there's something scary going on in this book.
Thanks for the GREAT comment!! Hope you're having a WONDERFUL day!! <3 <3 :) :)