Friday, December 27, 2013

Last Minute Read-A-Thon: Rainbow Book Spine Mini-Challenge!

Welcome to the Last Minute Read-A-Thon's first Mini-Challenge:
the Rainbow Book Spine!

Vonnie @ Vonnie's Reading Corner and I are co-hosting this fabulous read-a-thon for those who still have to catch up on their reading before the year 2013 goes out the window, and 2014 comes flying in!

This is today's challenge:

Grab books from your shelf that have
the following spine colors to
make a rainbow: red, orange, yellow,
blue, and violet.

Since I'm one of the hosts, I'm supposed to publish a post for this challenge, although I didn't think I would be participating myself, for the reason that will become more than obvious, once you take a look at the pictures below......  (Hint: how am I supposed to find any books in these humongous piles?  And these are just partial views of my collection.....) 

Actually, I do see some rainbow colors here.....but
not in any specific order.  Lol.

Hmmnm.....there seem to be some rainbow colors here, too. 
Again, in no specific order.

Well, hey, am I a natural-born 'book rainbow-maker'? 
Except a very random one?
What say you, oh, wise read-a-thon participants?

I would definitely like to encourage each of you to participate in this fun mini-challenge, if you can! (Maybe you, too, are a natural-born 'book rainbow-maker', eh?) Remember, Vonnie and I are counting each mini-challenge post as 2 entries!
So, I hope you decide to join in!  Have fun!

Not signed up yet?
Have no fear!  Just link up HERE!!

Updates on my reading progress:

I have finished
Regency Christmas Proposals,
and will hopefully have
the review up soon!
I am now on page 126 of
The Christmas Town.

Be sure to enter the giveaway below,
as well as the one on Vonnie's blog!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tomorrow is the "Love It or Hate It" book cover mini-challenge!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Love the way you did your challenge! Your books are definitely rainbow colors no matter what order they are.

    I know I've seen pictures of your shelves before, but it still amazes me on how many books you have. And here I thought I had a lot ;)

    1. Hey, Vonnie!

      Oh, thanks!! You know, I thought I would have to go digging for books to line up, but when I looked through my book pics, I immediately saw that they were already lined up, even if not in an orderly progression of colors. Lol. So I decided to use these photos, and add some funny commentary. Presto! I completed the challenge!

      Yeah, I've previously used these pictures in other articles on my blog. They have certainly lent themselves very well to different purposes! Lol.

      The books you see above are only part of my collection. I think I have somewhere around 2 to 3,000 books! I should post more pictures -- these are only from the bedroom hubby and I share....

      C ya tomorrow for the next challenge!! : )

    2. 2000+ books?! Ay mujer! As much as I love my books, I can't stand clutter. Your hubby should build a whole room for you dedicated for your books. It could be as big as your house!

    3. Well, he can't build me a room because we rent! That's why I'm thinking of Public

  2. Those pictures are great Maria!

    I know that you are not partial to ebooks. I can see how such devices would take these joys out of life.

    Have a happy New Years!

    1. Hey, Brian!

      Thanks for the compliment about my beloved books!!

      No, I don't like ebooks at all!!!! Of COURSE they could never compare to the real thing -- PRINTED books! I like the way you put it: "I can see how such devices would take these joys out of life." Well said!

      You have a very Happy New Year, as well!! : )

  3. That is a seriously impressive collection! I can't wait until I have enough space to be able to keep that many books.

    1. Hey, Lotti!

      Thank you so much!! And these are only the books in our bedroom. Lol. You should see my living room shelves, the stacks piled up on one of the one can sit on that couch, by the way.

      Funny you should mention space for books......I've actually already run out of space for all my lovely treasures! Hubby wants me to re-arrange the stuff in one room we use exclusively for storage, and I am reluctant to do so, because of the piles of books I would have to go through.....egads!

      I think I will eventually have no choice but to rent a small room in the nearest Public Storage facility.....

      Happy Reading, fellow bookworm!! : )

  4. You've got lots of books. I don't have many. Probably only around 200 but I read a lot and get most of my books from the library unless they don't have them.

    1. Hey, Alex!

      Yeah, that's what I should do, too....except that I'm very possessive about books! If I read a book and like it, I HAVE to own it! Lol.


THIS IS NOW AN AWARD-FREE, AND TAG-FREE BLOG. Thanks for the compliment, though! : )

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Thanks for your thoughts on my posts! I always reply here, as well as comment back on your blog. Have a WONDERFUL day!! :)