Friday, March 30, 2012

MASQUERADE Book Giveaway!!

In honor of the Masquerade Read-Along (see my sidebar), Cambria Hebert is graciously giving away a signed paperback copy of her bestselling YA novel, Masquerade!  All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter the contest!  This will be a U.S. giveaway only, and will run from March 30th through April 4th.  It will be officially over at 12:01 AM on April 5th.  (US Eastern Time)

The winner will be announced on April 5th, and will be contacted by email.    They will then have 72 hours to reply.  If the book is not claimed, then another winner will be chosen.  Good luck to everyone who participates!! 

Also, be sure to check out my very informative interview with Cambria, which is published in the post just below this one.  Cambria has greatly insightful things to say about her novel, as well as the writing process! 

From the Goodreads Synopsis
Before. Everything was so much better Before. I wasn’t haunted by nightmares, my place at school was secure and my face was flawless. Now, I’m a freak and everything has changed. The worst part is that I can’t remember the night I was sentenced to the shadows. The memory has been stolen from me and I just can’t shake the feeling that someone, something is out there -watching.

Just when I think I have my life handled, Sam, with his intimidating golden stare and shiver inducing voice, makes me realize that I don’t know anything. He makes me see that my scars don’t matter. That they never mattered. I can’t help but fall for him...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Well, I'd really love to read this book because it sounds....mysterious. The cover is just beautiful in a..weird, interesting way, but weird in a high fashion way.

    The description makes me get goosebumps. Someone's out there..watching.


    1. Hey, Kandee! The cover also pulled me in when I first saw it. As you say, it's "beautiful in a weird, interesting way, but weird in a high fashion way." Very well put! I totally agree! I have to check out the artist, because this cover totally ROCKS!

      Good luck on the giveaway, and thanks for participating!! : )

  2. This cover really grabbed me, and the summary sounds good...that's enough to make me want to read it!

    1. Oh, this cover is one of my all-time faves!! From the first moment I saw it, I was riveted!! And the plot is definitly VERY intriguing!! I know you'll LOVE it!!!

      Good luck on the giveaway, and thanks for participating!! : )

  3. This book sounds really interesting.... i may get this after my exams are over as i plan on going on a book shopping spree..

    1. Yes, you should DEFINITELY get it!! I've just started reading it, and I can tell you I've really gotten into the story! I can't put it down!!!

      I wish you could participate in the giveaway, but, because of high shipping costs, we had to limit it to the US this time. Stay tuned, though, because I do have international giveaways from time to time!

      Thanks for commenting!! : )

  4. This looks SO Fabulous!!!! I love to see the cover displayed on your blog - it looks so pretty. Thank you for the time and care you put into this!!
    @S.Mahnoor Shah- A book shopping spree?? Those are the BEST!!!! Have fun and gets lots of great things to read, there is so much to choose from!!
    @Juliababyjen - I am so glad you like the cover!! Of course, I love it as well and I think it fits the story as well!

    1. Oh, Cambria, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! The cover DOES look great, doesn't it? Well, it's one of my faves!! I think it's absolutely GORGEOUS!! You're very welcome for the work on the post -- it was a labor of love!

      Thanks for the lovely comment!! : )

  5. I want to win it for a couple different reasons One the cover is absolutely gorgeous and two the story sounds so intriguing. I just finished reading Before when I saw this and I need to know what happens to Heven.

    1. Oh, absolutely!! Those are the two reasons I decided to get and read this book!! Heven is a very engaging character, and I, too, want to see where her story goes!!

      Thanks for participating in the giveaway, and good luck to you!! : )

  6. I would LOVE to win this so I can actually meet the amazing writer Cambria:) And the autographed book would be awesome too:)

    1. Well, good luck to you! Thanks for participating in the giveaway!! : )

  7. Love the cover...the blurb and the author. I've had this on my list since its debut and would love to hold it in my hands.

    1. Oh, this is one of the most beautiful covers I've ever seen! And I'm so glad you've mentioned holding the book in your hands!! I agree!! So much BETTER than an ebook!!!

      Thanks for participating!! : )

  8. Yes, it's definitely a fabulous book!! I'm greatly enjoying it!! Thanks so much for participating!!! : )

  9. This book sounds really good and I love the cover. my email
    Thanks Krista

    1. Yup, that's exactly why I LOVE this book!! Good luck to you, and thanks for participating!! : )


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