Monday, August 22, 2016

Excerpt/Mini-Review + Giveaway!! Truthsong, by Elisabeth Hamill (Bewitching Book Tours)

Welcome to the Truthsong Blog Tour,
sponsored by
Bewitching Book Tours!!

For my tour stop, I'm featuring a mini-review and excerpt!
There's also a tour-wide giveaway!!

(Songmaker, Book 2)
Elisabeth Hamill
Trade Paperback, 244 pages
Melange Books -- Fire & Ice YA
July 13, 2016
Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult Fiction

 When Telyn’s song magic freed ancient spirits of the Wood, it also awakened a long-slumbering evil. Now she and her beloved Mithrais must battle a spreading shadow that ignites crippling fear, and deal with the unexpected consequences of magic’s return.

More danger arrives with a royal delegation to the forest realm, sweeping Telyn back into court intrigue and the sights of a murderous lord. Mithrais may be forced to choose between his service to the Wood or the obligations of his royal blood.

As Telyn’s bond with Mithrais grows, she is torn between her love for him and the freedom of a wandering bard’s life. But when dark magic plunges the Wood into chaos, she must balance the two halves of her heart—or the Fates may take Mithrais from her forever.

I felt totally thrilled and delighted while I read this excerpt. There's a certain musical flow to the language. This reminds me of one of my favorite writers of all time -- J.R.R. Tolkien. The characters encountered here also remind me of his work. This is not a bad thing at all. It simply shows that the legacy left behind by this author has continued to bear fruit. So I would say that Hamill is a worthy successor to him! I love the whole scene, her very visual descriptions, her invention of these curious, yet beautiful creatures, the Gwaith'orn.... Everything in this excerpt gives promise of a richly-detailed world-building, with a magical, totally enthralling atmosphere. I can hardly wait to get this book, as I definitely want to read it as soon as I can! Kudos to Hamill for getting me so interested in her book with just this short excerpt!

Even in the quiet hour before sunset, the Wood filled with music. 

One didn't need the ears of a bard to hear it in the rhythmic jingle of Bessa's harness, or when doves sang lullabies to each other through the branches. A heartspeaker couldn't fail to miss the new counterpoint percussion of magic, like the steady, silent beat of a drum.

But underneath it all, only Telyn knew the song of the Wood itself.

A secret composition of chords and harmonies existed beneath the ambient sound of leaves. Sometimes if skirled with a wild and unruly air, and other times echoed with heartbreaking sweetness through the glades. It changed with the landscape, never the same melody twice. It would rush past her in waves, or sing in eloquent whispers almost beyond her scope of hearing. Even when she wasn't listening, murmurs of song invaded her subconscious like a child humming in hushed tones.


And in not-so-hushed tones.

Telyn pulled back on Bessa's reins. The grey horse snorted and slowed to a stop. One of the newer Gwaith'orn hailed her -- the truly Old Ones seldom used such common means to get her attention. For those reborn in the wake of the great spell cast in the Circle, it remained a new and exciting thing to be able to speak aloud. As a result, they were impulsive and sometimes a little rude.

The resonant vibrations marked the nearby presence of the tree folk. She caught her breath in surprise when the brush on her right parted in invitation. Bessa snorted, turning the wagon from the stony road into the temptation of soft, green grass. Telyn laughed and gave the mare her head. "Well, that's settled, then. Are you ready to camp, my dear?"

The sun lowered upon the tree-broken horizon, ready to slip behind the mountains. Light and darkness balanced in equality for the moment. But shadow always lay in the deepest parts of the Wood, gray-green areas that seldom saw a shaft of sunlight. Here the Gwaith'orn held court. Once trapped by an ancient spell, her magic and life force bought their freedom. Telyn advanced without fear, for these strange creatures were now her allies.

All around her, the Wood pulsed with the promise of magic, but the Gwaith'orn remained silent. She sensed mischief, and her mouth quirked upwards in a smile.

A new tree, with bone-white upper limbs and wide green leaves, stood in the lee of the old, sprung from the roots of its ancestor. Telyn pulled the wagon into the clearing. Somewhere beyond, the sound of water announced the presence of the river she followed south from Ilparien. She dismounted from the bench seat and walked into the heart of the grove, leaving Bessa content to crop the grass.

"Well, I'm here." Her hand brushed the star-shaped leaves at head level, the tree grown to a startling twelve feet in less than two months. They all grew with unnatural speed -- nearly five hundred of them at the last count. 

"What do you need, young-Old-One?"

The voice came from behind and made her jump, even though she thought herself prepared. "You might have passed us by and not known, Telyn."

She whirled. The being that stood at her shoulder gave a laugh like the trill of a bird's song, high and sweet. Its honey-colored eyes crinkled in amusement.

"Not known what?" she asked. It was still extraordinary to see the Gwaith'orn take human-like shapes in the groves. The young ones seemed to revel in it, although they could only manifest within the root-spans of the old trees. Early on, she started to call these manifestations 'sprites' because of their playful nature. The name was now indelible in Tauron lore.

Slender white limbs gestured with the grace of breeze-caught branches. "Mithrais is not far away. We believe he will look for you."

Telyn grinned in delighted surprise. "Thank you for telling me. I'll stay here tonight."

Mithrais and his fellow Magians were busy testing the magical knowledge bestowed upon them by the Gwaith'orn. There were also more domestic reasons her lifemate had been unable to join her. These obligations called Telyn to turn her wheels south and begin the three-day journey to the northern gate of Cerisild.

Time had passed without discernible measure in a joyful blur of music and storytelling. She brought the news of magic's return to the people of the Wood, the shelter of the deep forest more like home every day. But the passage of weeks meant that inevitable approach of midsummer and the arrival of a royal delegation.

She began to remove Bessa's harness to allow the horse a well-deserved rest. "There are visitors coming to Cerisild," she told the sprite while she worked. "Have you sensed anyone entering the Wood who might mean me harm?"

"None who seek you. There is a mind full of chaos. It is getting closer, but we sense no threat there."

She suspected this mind belonged to Vuldur, Lord of the East. An unfortunate, deadly history lay between them. Telyn would never be able to change the fact she killed his son in an act of self-defense. She had just begun to forgive herself for the accidental spell that allowed an already charged situation to escalate. Vuldur only knew his heir was dead -- and who was responsible.

"That may be the man who sent the bounty hunters." Telyn watched the sprite as it followed the erratic flight of a moth through the grove. "I don't think he will try to harm me himself, but I do fear him."

"Few can harm you now, Seed-voice, unless you allow it." It chased the moth to the edge of the root span and watched it flutter off. "We have given you the knowledge of what to do with your magic to keep yourself safe."

"And I thank you." There had been little opportunity to test the knowledge left imprinted in her mind, a gift of gratitude from the Gwaith'orn. She didn't like the thought of using song magic as a weapon. It was contradictory to the self-imposed rules she held concerning her unique powers. "I hope I don't meet anything my blade can't turn aside."

"Danger will not wait for a sword to be unsheathed or an arrow to be drawn. The darkness which grows may prove more challenging."


Purchase Links

Print Edition
Digital Edition

Elisabeth Hamill is a nurse/wife/mom by day, unabashed chocoholic/closet sci fi and fantasy novelist by night. She lives with her family, dog, and cat in the wilds of eastern suburban Kansas, where they fend off flying monkey attacks and prep for the zombie apocalypse.

Song Magick, her first novel, won First In Category for Teen Fantasy in the 2014 Dante Rossetti Awards for Young Adult Fiction.

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  1. Seems like an interesting series filled with adventure. I like that excerpt too. Hope you enjoy the story :)

    1. Hi, Shane!

      Oh, DEFINITELY!! I know I'll LOVE this novel! I just have to get to it as soon as I can!

      Thanks for dropping by and commenting!! :)

  2. I was really pulled into the excerpt you shared, Maria. The writing is good and it sounds like the book will be too. I hope you enjoy it when you read it!

    1. Hi, Wendy!

      So was I!! I greatly enjoyed reading it! I know I'll LOVE this novel!! I've already ordered it for my Kindle app, would you believe....but I do want to get the paperback later on.

      Thanks for the comment!! :)

  3. Thank you so much for your comments, and thank you for spotlighting me, Maria!

    1. I'm still blushing that you compared me to Tolkien! *bows and scrapes* I'm not worthy!

    2. Hi, Elisabeth!

      You're very welcome!! I honestly thought of Tolkien as I got into this excerpt! I especially liked the paragraph that begins, "A secret composition of chords and harmonies....". I also liked the one beginning with "The sun lowered upon the tree-broken horizon....", as well as the one that begins, "A new tree...".

      I also liked the Gwaith'orn. They sound very ethereal and graceful.

      In short, I'm going to very much enjoy your book, which I've already purchased for my phone's Kindle app! However, I do want to get the paperback later on, as I much prefer printed books!

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving such lovely comments!! :)


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As of today, 9/23/18, I have permanently enabled comment moderation, due to a sudden rash of SPAM comments. I appreciate your patience!

Thanks for your thoughts on my posts! I always reply here, as well as comment back on your blog. Have a WONDERFUL day!! :)