Thursday, June 30, 2016

Blog Tour/Giveaway!! Welcome to Sortilege Falls, by Libby Heily

Welcome to the blog tour for
Welcome to Sortilege Falls
sponsored by
YA Bound Book Tours!!

 For my stop, I'm featuring a guest post by the author!
There's also a tour-wide giveaway!!

Welcome to Sortilege Falls
(Grape Merriweather, Book 1)
Digital Edition, 253 pages
Fire and Ice Young Adult Books
First Edition, May 31, 2016
Fantasy, Mystery, Young Adult Fiction

 Sixteen-year-old Grape Merriweather has just moved to Sortilege Falls and already she knows something isn't right. A small pack of teenage models, too beautiful for words, holds the town in their sway. The models have no plans on making Grape's life easy. But no matter how cruel they are to Grape and the other “Normals”, no one can stay angry with them for long.

Grape's life changes for the better, or so she thinks, when Mandy, the only “nice” model, befriends her. But that’s when the trouble truly begins. Mandy's friendship places Grape smack in the middle of a medical mystery that has the entire town on edge. One by one, the models fall ill from an incurable disease. Grape quickly realizes that the models' parents are hiding a secret, even as they watch their children die. To save her only friend, Grape will have to find the truth–and that means putting her life in danger.

Purchase Links

Guest Post: Libby Heily
"Coping with Killing your Characters"

Over the course of a novel, you grow to love and respect your characters. They're not really your children, but they are your creations. Your brain developed their lives. You know them and all their dirty secrets. You sympathize with them and you find yourself cheering for them even if they turn out to be the worst people you've ever met. Love is funny that way.

Once you've bonded with the characters that you've pulled from your own twisted imagination, how are you supposed to be okay with killing them? In both Tough Girl and Welcome to Sortilege Falls, I killed off several of my favorite characters. I didn't feel good about it, but they had to die for the story to work. I guess you could say I loved my story more than I loved those characters.

Ouch. That's a tough realization. But it's also true. If I had to slaughter an imaginary family and their cute little puppy to get the story told the right way, then I would do it. I am truly heartless. The best I can do is try to give them a good death, and for that death to not be gratuitous or in vain. I can't give all my characters a good life, but I can usually give them a meaningful death.

I'm sure I've just brightened your day with my grim realization. You're welcome! 

I was born during a blizzard. I’m told it was pretty cool, but I have no memory of that time. I grew up in two tiny towns in Virginia and spent most of my twenties moving around the US. I’ve lived in Virginia, Florida, Missouri, and Washington. I’ve settled down, for now, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

I’m a writer and improviser. I studied acting in college but spent more time rewriting lines than memorizing them. My first play, "Fourth Wall", was produced my junior year. Since then, I’ve written several full-length plays, one-acts, and screenplays. I started writing fiction in my late twenties. Now, I focus mainly on novels but still dabble in theater.

Fun facts about me: There are none. I’m sorry to disappoint you so soon. But, I do love to read, write, and run. My hubby is my favorite person on earth. Dogs are my second favorite. All dogs. Know that. I love orange juice, especially when it’s mixed with club soda. Carbonation is better than alcohol. "Jaws" is my favorite movie. Everything I’ve said so far is true.

To access the complete tour schedule,
simply click on the button below!


  1. Thanks for having me on your blog!

  2. Hi, Libby!

    You're more than welcome! I'm really looking forward to reading your book! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!! :)

  3. What a great guest post! It is hard as a reader to read about a favorite character dying, but I understand that it is sometimes necessary. I imagine it has to be hard on the author too--especially since you would have an even closer relationship to the character.

    1. Hi, Wendy!

      I really liked this guest post, too. It is indeed VERY hard as a reader to find out that a favorite character has died....I can still remember sobbing my heart out when a certain beloved character from the Harry Potter series was killed.... I won't say which one, in case other people read this comment. But trust me, this particular character's death hit me VERY hard....I was unable to finish the series because of this. I know I need to go back and finish it, but oh, that sad, sad part....I don't know if I'll EVER be able to!

      Maybe this is the reason I've never been able to really buckle down and write a novel. I just can't take characters dying! Unless they're villains, of course, lol.

      I think it must take a LOT of discipline and willpower for a writer to kill a character, especially a favorite one. But a lot of writers are able to do it. I'm still mad at J.K. Rowling!! Lol.

      Thanks for the great comment!! :)

  4. Hi, Lily!

    You're very welcome! Good luck!! :)


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