Thursday, March 27, 2014

March Book Frenzy Blog Hop/Giveaway!!

Welcome to my stop for the 
March Book Frenzy Blog Hop, 
which kicks off today!!
This hop is brought to you by

Eight authors over four days!!
Romance, Historical Fiction
For Kindle Count Down Deals on 
the hop catalog, just click HERE.

 Click on the button below for the hop post link.

Hop participants are to select 
the one or two covers and titles 
they prefer, and explain why.
Here are my choices!

She Belongs To Me
Trade Paperback, 330 pages
 I love book covers that incorporate the color blue!  I will always feel attracted to such covers first.  So this one caught my eye right away.  This is the cover for the novel's paperback edition.  The Kindle edition has the same cover, but there's an alternate one, which is pictured in the banner above.  I much prefer this one, because I like the combination of images, plus I don't like to read ebooks.  Also, the hot pink on two of the houses is very effective, I think; it makes them really stand out!  As for the plot, it definitely sounds very exciting and interesting.  I've already added this book to my Goodreads shelves, as well as my Amazon wish list for contemporary romances! 

Trade Paperback, 382 pages
This cover has an Old World look, which is perfect for the plot.  Although the muted tones here are not really favorites of mine, I do like the combination of images.  The girl seems to be looking at the viewer with some apprehension, while beyond her, a pirate ship sails along, with a stormy sky as background.  I also like the hazy image of an old-fashioned compass, superimposed on the nautical landscape.  I've already checked out the synopsis, and love it!  Pirates mean lots of exciting adventures, and there's a bit of romance in this novel, as well!  This book, too, is now on my Goodreads bookshelves and Amazon wish list -- the one for fantasy!


Check out the prizes authors
are sponsoring!

 $35, $25, $20 Amazon GC
or Paypal Cash,
2 featured ebooks from 
each author!!

Two $20 Amazon GC
or Paypal Cash!!

Click HERE for blogger giveaway.

Please visit as many of the authors' blogs as you can, as well as
those of the hop participants.
This hop is aimed at promoting the
work of these 8 bestselling
authors, helping to get
followers for their social media
platforms, as well as increase
the number of newsletter
subscribers.  Thus, your
follows and shares mean the
world, and thank you in advance
for helping achieve this!

Carmen DeSousa 
Lorrie Farrelly 
Donna Fasano
Dianne Greenlay
Joanne Hill 
Mary Smith
 Abby L. Vandiver 
Jackie Weger   

Fabulosity Reads Book Promotions is a book touring website that promotes authors and their precious works to an extensive audience, using blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media, with the aim of introducing them to an appreciative readership.

They offer a diverse range of complimentary and affordable products to help the reach of your book go that much further.

Be sure to visit the rest of the
participating blogs!!


Thank you for participating in the March Book Frenzy brought to you by eNovel Authors at Work.

We all look forward to meeting you and visiting your blog.


Wendy Ewurum

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Marie! Thank you for hosting eNovel Authors at Work March Book Frenzy. Your site is fabulous.I could live here. You have featured two of my Favorite authors and books, Carmen De Sousa and Dianne Greenlay. I love those books. Both are page turners. My title, Flaps Down-The Reluctant Hero is a sweet HEA romance and was nominated as a Readers' Choice Award 2014. It is on sale today and tomorrow for 99 cents. But I have to admit, carmen and Dianne outwrite me coming and going. So, I'm really proud to be in the hop and sharing bookshelf space with them. It is really a treat to be here with you today.
    Jackie Weger eNovel Authors at Work

    1. Hi, Jackie!

      Oh, thank you so very much for complimenting my blog! As you can see, I'm a HUGE fan of the color

      Although I featured Carmen and Dianne's books, I do like yours, as well. In fact, I've already put it on my Goodreads TBR shelves, and added it to my Amazon contemporary romance wish list!

      Although the Kindle edition is on sale, I prefer to read printed books, so it's the paperback I'll be buying and reading. CONGRATS on the Reader's Choice Award 2014 nomination!! That tells me that "Flaps Down" is just as WONDERFUL as "She Belongs to Me" and "Quintspinner"!

      Thanks again for the terrific comment!! : )

  2. HI Maria, and thanks for hosting us on your blog. What a gorgeous banner!! Perfect for the bookaholic!
    All the best...

    1. Hi, Joanne!

      You're very welcome! This is a great hop, with great authors like you!

      Thanks for the compliment!! And thanks for dropping by and leaving such a nice comment!! : )

  3. Hi Maria,
    It was very interesting to read what you wrote, a few people have said they prefer paperbacks. I have no preference either way. But I agree about Carmen's book. Kate Books, Crafts and Pretty Things

    1. Hi, Kate!

      It might seem ironic that I have a marked preference for printed books (of course, I like hardcovers, too), in view of the fact that I have a blog, and read other blogs. However, reading an ENTIRE book on a machine is just not to my liking at all. I need to touch a physical book. I need to turn physical pages. Like many bibliophiles I've read about, I also love to smell books!

      In short, for me, ebooks will NEVER replace printed books. So, when I find an interesting new book on a blog, I immediately check to see if it's available in print, as well. If it is, then I add it to my wish list and TBR pile. If it's not, then that book just doesn't exist for me. However, if I REALLY like a book, I will contact the author to ask if and when it will be available in print.

      Anyway......I'm glad you like the cover of Carmen's book! Thanks for dropping by and commenting!! : )

  4. Hi Maria, I, too, am a print copy reader. Yes, I have over 100 ebooks on my Kindle, but that's because those books fall into one of two categories for me: they either are the ones that I want to read right away ( Amazon KNOWS my desire for instant gratification!) or they are ones that I think I will breeze through while on holiday. The print copies are the ones I want to savour, to share, and possibly to reread.

    I sure appreciate your support of our March Book Frenzy. I'm especially tickled to hear that you like the cover and plot for "Quintspinner". I perused your site as well and have to say that the colors here are amazing! Those deep rich blue tones are the perfect background for everything you have posted, and that's saying something since your blog has an amazing array of covers and book info. Absolutely wonderful - Damn Fine Stuff! :-)

    1. Hi, Dianne!

      You know, that sounds like a GREAT idea -- having ebooks to go through because you want them NOW, and then, getting the print editions later on, to savor and re-read! Maybe I should start doing that.

      You're very welcome for my participation in this hop! When Wendy @ Fabulosity Reads notified me about it, I immediately said yes!! This is a really AWESOME idea!! And I do love all the books!! So maybe I'll start getting them on Kindle now, and buy the print editions later on.

      Thank you so much for complimenting my site!! Music to my ears!! As you can see, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the color blue!! So I wanted to make sure it was all over my blog! The background, which to me looks like "The Big Bang" (what it must have looked like, anyway), was designed by someone using the nickname "merrymoonmary", and the template is by Blogger; it's the Picture Window template. The GORGEOUS header was created for me by a graphic designer named Jennifer Ayers Johnson. She also designed my blog button. The button for her blog, "Sapphire Blog Designs", is in my sidebar.

      I do indeed have a lot of book information here! This is an eclectic blog, as you can see. Romance does take up a lot of the blog, and you can also see that I'm a HUGE young adult fiction fan! However, I also enjoy reading other kinds of books.

      Thank you so much for visiting back and leaving such a WONDERFUL comment!! I'm so glad you think my blog is Damn Fine Stuff!! Lol. Happy hopping!! : )


THIS IS NOW AN AWARD-FREE, AND TAG-FREE BLOG. Thanks for the compliment, though! : )

As of today, 9/23/18, I have permanently enabled comment moderation, due to a sudden rash of SPAM comments. I appreciate your patience!

Thanks for your thoughts on my posts! I always reply here, as well as comment back on your blog. Have a WONDERFUL day!! :)