Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blog Tour: Interview with Alexandra Weis, author of The Ghosts of Rue Dumaine

Welcome to this stop in the
Bewitching Book Tours blog tour for
The Ghosts of Rue Dumaine!

About The Book

The Ghosts of Rue Dumaine
Alexandrea Weis
Trade Paperback, 240 pages
World Castle Publishing
Sept. 1, 2013
Gothic Fiction, Paranormal Romance, Suspense

Goodreads Synopsis: Ready to get her life back on track after ending a painful marriage, Danica Giles returns to the Creole cottage where she grew up in the New Orleans French Quarter. Danica is anxious to rekindle her friendship with a former resident from her old neighborhood, the seductive Gaston Deslonde. But Gaston isn’t exactly a normal guy. The charming man has been dead for over a hundred and fifty years, and the childish crush Danica once had on her ghostly playmate quickly turns into something much deeper. When a handsome new man enters Danica’s life, Gaston vows to do whatever he can to hold on to her. Danica soon discovers that the most forbidden of all desires cannot be satisfied without paying a grave price. Love can blur the lines between life and death when you are living among the ghosts of Rue Dumaine.

Purchase Links

Author Interview

Please join me in welcoming author
Alexandrea Weis
to A Night's Dream of Books!
Maria:  How would you categorize The Ghosts of Rue Dumaine -- as a paranormal romance, a suspense novel, or a mixture of genres? 
Alexandrea:  I like to think it is a mixture of both because there are elements of each blended into the story.  I always like to add some suspense to my novels to keep the reader guessing.
Maria:  In what ways are Gaston and Paul different?  Do you prefer one over the other?  If so, why?
Alexandrea:  Gaston is the rawer version of a man, and is a man who was shaped by his surroundings.  He came from an era when men were expected to be different, and act differently.  He did not apologize for his shortcomings and was not tempted by the PC world we live in.  Paul, however, was raised with that respect for women as equals that Gaston lacks.  When Paul explains how difficult it is to be a man in today's world, especially when taking a woman to bed, I think that difference becomes clear.  Whom do I prefer?  They are both pretty wonderful, and it would be hard to pick one over the other.  They both have memorable qualities.
Maria:  Have you ever had any ghostly encounters?  If not, do you believe in ghosts?
Alexandrea:  I was raised in the French Quarter of New Orleans.  Ghosts are an everyday occurrence for the residents there.  I have had several encounters and wholeheartedly believe in ghosts.
Maria:  What type of research, if any, did you do for this novel?
Alexandrea:  I would have to say the research was more from a lifetime of experiences.  The cottage where I grew up was on Dumaine Street and everything about the Quarter is ingrained in my memory.  In addition, as a resident of New Orleans, if I ever need to do any research, I just return to the Quarter and walk around.
Maria:  What prompted you to set the novel in New Orleans?
Alexandrea:  I was born and raised in New Orleans, and everything I write reflects its influence.  There is no other place like it on Earth.  Only in New Orleans could the ethereal and physical meet and get along.  People here are used to the strange and unusual.  Besides, it has often been described as the most haunted city in America.  There is no better place to set such a tale.
Maria:  Do you enjoy writing all types of romance novels (paranormal, contemporary, science fiction, fantasy, historical), or is there one particular romance sub-genre you enjoy the most?  If so, why?
Alexandrea:  I like historical romances probably because I am a history buff, but paranormal romances run a close second for me.  I always enjoy being swept away by a good scary story.
Maria:  Do you outline your plots before you begin the actual writing, or do you prefer to write by the seat of your pants?  What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?
Alexandrea:  I never outline.  I let the story come as I write it, often surprising myself in the process.  One advantage to this is that it keeps it fresh for me, whereas outlining tends to get stale.  I usually have an idea where I am going.  Most of the time I see the end of my books and pieces of the middle, but all the rest comes as I write.  I always say I am channeling and not writing.
Maria:  Do you think that as time goes along, more and more new authors will self-publish?  Why or why not?
Alexandrea:  It is hard to get noticed by the bigger publishers, and I started out self-publishing my first two novels, but was lucky enough to get picked up by a smaller press.  There are advantages to self-publishing and I recommend every author do it once to learn every aspect of publishing.  It is an invaluable experience.
Maria:  Who are your favorite authors, and what are your favorite genres?
Alexandrea:  Favorite authors: Ian Fleming, Ernest Hemingway, Alexandre Dumas, Elizabeth George, Mary Renault.  Favorite books: the James Bond series by Fleming are still some of my favorite books.  I love romance, and historical novels, either fiction or nonfiction, as well.
Maria:  What new project(s) are you currently working on?
Alexandrea:  The next book is titled, Cover to Covers, and is coming out 2/1/14.  It is a contemporary romance tale about a romance writer who pens novels with heroes based on the one man she loved and left behind.  Many years after the failed affair, that man walks back into her life, and she begins living the romance she has always written about.  Soon, her writing changes because of him, and so does her life.  They have problems to conquer, failed marriages to put behind them, but what they initially felt for each other long ago is still there.  It is a tale of rediscovery and second chances.  Find out what happens when a romance book moves out from behind the cover, and comes to life between the sheets.   

Interviewer's Note
I'd like to thank Ms. Weis for this 
wonderful interview,
as well as Bewitching Book Tours
for including me in this tour!
About the Author   
Alexandra Weis is an advanced practice registered nurse who was born and raised in New Orleans.  Her first novel, To My Senses, introduced readers to the world of Nicci Beauvoir, and garnered numerous awards and rave reviews.
Her popular second Nicci Beauvoir novel, Recovery, won the Gold Medal for Best Romantic Suspense from the Reader's Favorite Book Awards 2011, and was named Best Romantic Suspense Novel by the Spring 2011 NABE Pinnacle Book Awards.  Her fourth novel, Broken Wings, won Best Contemporary Romance by the NABE Pinnacle Book Awards in 2012, was a Silver Meal winner in the ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards for Romance, as well as a finalist in the USA Book Awards for Romance in 2012, and a finalist in the Reader's Favorite Book Awards for Contemporary Romance for 2012.  Diary of A One-Night Stand was released in August of 2012, and was named a Paranormal Romance Guild's Best Reviewed of 2012.  Her latest novel, Acadian Waltz, was a Reader's Favorite Book Awards finalist for Best Contemporary Romance and Best Southern Fiction.
A permitted wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured wildlife.  She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans.
Online Links
For the complete tour schedule, just click on the banner below!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Heidi!

    Oh, thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed my questions! I try to come up with interesting ones, so that the author I'm interviewing will feel motivated to give me interesting answers.

    I'd LOVE to go to New Orleans myself, especially since, as you know, I ADORE paranormal romance and urban fantasy!! So, I, too, would love to encounter a ghost -- a friendly one, of course. Come to think of it, I guess one could encounter a ghost anywhere, but there's just something about New Alexandrea says, people living there are used to the strange and unusual. So I think it would be great to go there and experience the spookiness of the place!

    You're adding this book to your TBR? Great! I'm getting it from Amazon, and maybe I'll read it soon!!

    Thanks for such a wonderful comment!! : )


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