Welcome to this stop in the blog tour for
Beyond Heights and Depths,
sponsored by
Bewitching Book Tours!
I am presenting a mini-review with book excerpt,
and there's a tour giveaway, too!
Beyond Heights and Depths
(Beyond Heights and Depths Trilogy, Book 1)
Christian Brown
Kindle Edition, 171 pages
C. Brown Publisher
January 22, 2013
Cover Artist: Charli Infante
Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy,
Young Adult Fiction

"As I awaken in the dark
warmth of this terrifying place, laid out on the strangely uneven
ground, I open my eyes to see the true horrors this place was built
upon…She is supposed to be near where I landed. If I don’t reach her
soon, we will be doomed to remain in eternal fire and pain forever."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
soul mates real, or just a fairy tale? What if you found your soul
mate, but you had to fight your way through heaven and hell to stay
together? Could you sacrifice everything, even your own soul, for the
one you love?
Emmett Goode moves to a more affluent neighborhood
with the hope of leaving his troubled past behind, starting fresh at a
new school, and more importantly, reconnecting with his lost love, Ash,
who is dealing with some personal demons of her own. A tragic accident brings
them together; unfortunately, before they can enjoy their new
relationship they find themselves at the center of a battle between good
and evil that has existed since the beginning of humanity, and forced
on a harrowing journey through this world and beyond to stay together.
Their bond, and the supernatural power it creates, could mean the
difference between saving the world, or its destruction.
Is love enough to overcome seemingly impossible odds?

This has to be the most horribly vivid, harrowing text I have ever read..... the images are so disturbing, so clearly described..... This place can only be the one feared by many, whose existence is also denied by many: Hell. And yet.....amidst all the terror, pain, and horrible scenes, there's a little ray of Hope. That ray comes from love -- pure, unconditional Love. Two soul mates are determined to be together, at all costs. So, in the midst of all the horror, they strive to find each other, because it's Love that gives life meaning, in spite of all the terrible things that can happen.
I would like to commend the author for bringing this scene so vividly to the page, for making me feel, if even vicariously, the narrator's pain and longing. I don't normally read books like these, but, in this case, it's that little ray of hope, that strong force of Love, that has intrigued and interested me in reading this book. Kudos to Brown for capturing my interest so quickly and thoroughly!

As I awaken in the dark warmth of
this terrifying place, laid out on the strangely uneven ground, I open my eyes
to see the true horrors this place was built upon. The hills and valleys are
not made of dirt at all but rather the bodies and remains of various humans and
unidentifiable creatures. The uncomfortable warmth quickly turns to searing
heat; with each second that passes my skin slowly burns away from my body,
literally turning to ash and dispersing into the fiery air. The pain is
excruciating. I want to scream in pain, but I quickly realize that all I can
hear are the tortured screams and moans that seem to be coming from everywhere and
nowhere at the same time. I try to move and the skin on my legs tears away in
large grotesque chunks. What am I doing here? I think to myself, and I remember
that I am here for a very specific reason. Where is she? She is supposed to be
near where I landed. If I don’t reach her soon, we will be doomed to remain in
eternal fire and pain forever.
turn frantically, looking everywhere, all the while hoping the pain that feels
like burning needles in my eyes doesn’t mean that my eyes are about to fall out
of my head. I feel a sharp jolt in my chest as I peer into the noxious haze
that seems to be growing right before my burning eyes. There, there she is, she
can’t be more than fifty feet away. I can make it to her, just as I thought.
This plan has to work; I only have a minute or two to make this work. Just
then, I realize just how difficult this is going to be. To my left are the
shadows I had seen before, on my right I see the disfigured faces of what I can
only imagine were once human beings descending upon me, and right in front of
Ash is the menacing figure of a twenty foot tall man-beast. Suddenly the
screams and moans stop, only to be replaced by something more sinister. All I
can hear is the malevolent laughter of the creatures that have come to make sure
that we never leave this unholy place. Wake up, Ash, please; I can’t do this
without you.
Christian Brown is a Pastor at
Reunion Hawaii. He has been working with youth and young adults for most of the
last 10 years. His passion is in helping others. He is the author of the Beyond
Heights and Depths Trilogy and has other projects in the works. He currently
lives in Honolulu, Hawaii with his wife and two young sons.
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