Friday, September 23, 2016

Sixth Blogoversary Giveaway for A NIGHT'S DREAM OF BOOKS!!!

Welcome to the Sixth 
Blogoversary Giveaway Celebration
A Night's Dream of Books!!!

The actual date I published 
my first post
was Sept. 22, 2010, but I 
decided to post today so as to 
start off the weekend with a BANG!!

Another year has flown by.....and it's now been SIX years since I published that first post! I can hardly believe it.....

Throughout the years, I've brought all of you, my faithful readers, book reviews, author interviews, giveaways, and blog tours. I also participate in the book meme/blog hops, "Waiting On Wednesday", "Shelf Control", and "Book Blogger Hop". I have my own meme, too, titled "Shelf Candy Saturday", every week. I hope to continue bloggin
for MANY more years!!


A HUGE "thank you" to all my 
readers, followers, and 
commenters for the past SIX years!!!!
You have all been WONDERFUL!!!!

In honor of you all, this is
an INTERNATIONAL giveaway!!!!!
One very lucky winner will get
one book of their choice
The book selected by the winner 
can be a YA or adult book! 
(Total value: $15.00!!!!)

Before entering the giveaway,
just make sure that TBD delivers to
your country!
You can do that HERE.

Also, please be sure to actually 
perform the action for each
entry you click on.

You must be at least 13 years old
to enter, or have a parent or guardian
enter for you. Please reply to an
email notification of prize won
within 48 hours, or another
winner will be chosen.

Here are some suggestions!!

If you don't like any of these books, or already own them, you can pick any book you like, for a value up to $15.00!!!!



  1. HAPPY BLOGANNIVERSARY! I'm so glad I got to know you for the past two years and I hope to see you more around the blogsphere! May you always have an amazing blog for 6 more years! :)

    1. As for the book, maybe the coloring book of TOG or the upcoming release of ACOMAF3.

    2. Hi, Alexandra!

      Thank you for the congrats and the compliment!! I'm glad to have met you, as well! I hope to be around for quite some time; I'm looking forward to the next 6 years, too!!

      You have GREAT book choices!! I need to get the TOG book, too! As for ACOMAF3, I'll have to check it out!

      Thanks for entering and leaving such an AWESOME comment!! :)

  2. Happy Bloganiversary Maria! I am so glad that you have continued to share your thoughts on all things bookish here on A Night's Dream of Books. I have mentioned before that this is one of my favorite places to visit on the web. Here is to the next 6 years!

    1. Hi, Brian!

      Thanks for the congrats!! And thank you so much for your kind words!! I GREATLY appreciate them! I'm looking forward to the next 6 years, too, as I find blogging about books to be SO fascinating, as well as SO much fun!!

      It's bloggers like you who make it even more enjoyable, as well! I, too, love to visit your blog, Babbling Books, and read your EXCELLENT content!! So your blog is one of my favorites on the web, too!

      Just a reminder -- you didn't mention which book you'd like to win, but I guess you can just decide at the end of the giveaway, if you happen to be the winner. :)

      Thanks SO much for AWESOME comment!! :)

  3. Happy Birthday to the blog! 🎉🎊🎉

    1. Hi, Haniya!

      Thanks for the congrats!!

      Just a little didn't mention which book you wanted to win. But I guess you can just decide at the end of the giveaway, if you turn out to be the winner. :)

      Thanks for entering the giveaway!! :)

  4. Happy 6th blogoversary!!!!!!
    If I won, I would totally get the 3rd book in the Throne Glass series! I need it to continue. :-) Thanks for the chance!

    1. Hi, Freda!

      Thanks for the congrats!!

      That's a GREAT choice!! I've only read one Sarah J. Maas book -- A Court of Thorns and Roses -- but just from reading that one, I could see that she's a TERRIFIC writer!!

      You're very welcome for the chance!! Thanks for entering the giveaway!! :)

  5. Id love to win Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates! insightful and educational book :)

    1. Hi, Fatma!

      Oh, that sounds like a GREAT book! I need to check it out right away!!

      Thanks for entering my giveaway, and for the comment!! :)

  6. I would like to read Holding Up the Universe a new book from Jenifer Niven :)

    1. Hi, Alabell!

      Oh, I haven't heard of that one. Must check it out on Goodreads!

      Thanks for entering the giveaway, and leaving a comment!! :)

  7. I would like to read "Queen of Shadows" 'cos my favorite booktuber is always talking about this book

  8. Happy blogoversary!

    I'm dying to get my hands on Empire of Storms! Not knowing what happens next is killing me and I get super jealous when I see that everyone else has read it.

  9. Hmm... probably an anticipated release like Bad Blood (by Jennifer Lynn Barnes), Carve the Mark or Caraval :D

    *clearing my throat*
    Hey, Maria! I don't know you - literally find our your blog 5 minutes ago - but I still want to wish you HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!
    Six years is just... SO AMAZING. I admire you so much (:
    And I wish you many more years to come!

    1. Hi, Zoey!

      Gosh, thank you SO MUCH!!! You're so nice!!

      Yeah, the time has just zipped by! Lol. It's been a a LOT of fun, and I hope to continue blogging for a LOOOOONG time to come!

      Thanks for entering the giveaway, and for such a lovely comment!! <3 :)

  10. Congrats!! Six years blogging sounds amazing! I wish you best of luck i the next months to come!

    And now to answer your question, I'm not sure. I'd probably chose Glitter by Aprylinne Pike if it fits prize, but if not don't worry - I'd chose something else that does. ;)

    1. Hi, Irena!

      Thank you SO MUCH!!! Yeah, I can't believe it's already been SIX years, lol. I hope to be blogging for many more years to come!!

      As for your choice, I haven't heard of it, but anything by Aprylinne Pike has GOT to be good! And don't worry about this book being 'appropriate' as a prize. You don't have to pick a YA read. The books I posted here are just suggestions. You can actually choose any book you want.

      Thanks for entering the giveaway, and leaving such a nice comment!! :)

  11. Happy 6th blogoversary!! I just found your blog minutes ago and this is the only post of your that I've read thus far but I'm looking forward to reading more posts by you! Here's to more years to blogging!

    I'm not really sure what I'll choose. Possibly Ruin and Rising as I already have the first two books but I've yet to start on them so I'm not sure if I'll enjoy that series yet... haha we'll see (-:

    1. Hi, Zoe!

      Thank you SO MUCH!!!! I can't believe it's been SIX years already!! Lol.

      I'm so glad you found my blog, and that you like it! Hope you continue to come by and comment!

      As for your pick, that's an AWESOME one!! I have all three books, and have read the first one in the series. I really need to go back and finish the other two books! So I encourage you to start the series yourself, whether you win or not. I'm sure you'll LOVE the first book, and will also LOVE the entire series!!

      Thanks so much for the lovely comment, and for entering the giveaway!! <3 :)

  12. Happy, happy blogoversary, Maria!! Six years?! That's a lot!!!!!! :D :D Here's to many more!! Personally, I'd love to pick a book from Rainbow Rowell. Maybe Fangirl, Eleanor & Park or Attachments. I've heard so many good things about that writer!!! Crossing my fingers :D :D Thank u so much for the giveaway!!!!!!!!

    1. Hi, Graciela!

      Thank you SO MUCH for the well wishes!! Yeah, SIX years is a LOT, and I can't believe I've been blogging that long, lol. Hoping for many MORE years!!

      OOOOH, Rainbow Rowell!! Of course!! GREAT choice!! I've heard lots of terrific things about this writer, and would like to read one of these books myself!

      GOOD LUCK to you, and you're very welcome for the giveaway!! Thanks for entering, and for leaving such a lovely comment!! :)

  13. Happy Blogoversary!!
    If I won I'd get the second book in The Raven Cycle. My copy of The Raven Boys is on its way and u just want to read them back to back. I've read Maggie's Shiver series so I just know I'll adore it especially since it also has a Queer character.
    Thanks for hosting this giveaway cause I'm poor as hell! Lol

    1. Hi, Keeana!

      Thanks for the congrats! I can't believe that SIX years have just zipped by! Lol.

      Oooooh, The Raven Cycle!! I SO want to read that series, as well as the Shiver series!!

      You're very welcome for the giveaway! I LOVE your comment that you're "poor as hell"! Lol, lol, lol!

      Thanks for entering the giveaway, and leaving such a FUNNY comment!! :)

  14. Happy blogoversary, Maria!!! ♥ Wow!! I'm just starting to blog, and I cannot imagines what SIX WHOLE YEARS would feel like. I'm pretty sure you've had the most beautiful and amazing experiences with "A night's dream of books" :D Here's to many more years of blogging, full of awesome books and unforgettable memories!!

    Ok, now for the book I'd choose... Hard to say, given that I don't have a credit card, and being able to spend that amount of money on Bookdepository would be heavenly!! And since I have so many books on my wishlist, well, that makes my decision even harder! But I've been meaning to read Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children for a long time, so I'd probably pick that one up ^^

    Thank you so much for this giveaway! And congratulations :D :D :D

    1. Hi, Antonela!

      Thanks for the congrats!! And you're just starting a blog? I'm going to come over and check it out!

      Yes, I've had lots of beautiful and amazing -- as well as funny -- experiences on this blog, and am looking forward to many more!

      I've been curious about "Miss Peregrine" myself for some time now. Barnes & Noble has just published it with a new cover, so I might just pick it up. On the other hand, if it contains horror elements, then I know it won't be for me, as I don't like that genre. Hope you enjoy it if you win it!!

      You're very welcome for the giveaway!! Thanks for leaving such a WONDERFUL comment!! :)

  15. Happy Blogoversary! I would love to win any book by Kiera Cass. She's one of my fave. :)


THIS IS NOW AN AWARD-FREE, AND TAG-FREE BLOG. Thanks for the compliment, though! : )

As of today, 9/23/18, I have permanently enabled comment moderation, due to a sudden rash of SPAM comments. I appreciate your patience!

Thanks for your thoughts on my posts! I always reply here, as well as comment back on your blog. Have a WONDERFUL day!! :)