Sunday, December 2, 2018

SCIFI MONTH 2018 Wrap-Up Post

This is my wrap-up post for this exciting event, hosted by 
Lisa @ Dear Geek Place 
and imyril @!!

The event started out on November 1st, but alas, I didn't find out until November 8th, and I was unable to publish my announcement post until November 12th.....  : (

I'm VERY glad that I DID find out about this, though, because next year, I can start as of the very first day! And just how did I find out? Well, it was thanks to my blogging buddy, Sarah Higbee, who blogs at Brainfluff! Sarah is also an SF writer herself.

Here's a rundown of the posts I published for SCIFI MONTH, so anyone who happened to miss one or more can access them right here!

1.) Announcing Sci-Fi Month 2018!!! In this post, I described the event, mentioned how I found out about it, and included the title of the one book I was planning to review. I would have wanted to review more books, but, since I was late joining in, that was just not possible....

2.) Teaser Tuesday/Sci-Fi Month!! These Broken Stars, by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner This is a weekly meme, hosted by Ambrosia @ The Purple Booker. For this week, I decided to combine it with SCIFI MONTH, since the book I pulled my quotes (teasers) from is a science fiction novel. It's also a YA book. 

3.) Shelf Candy Saturday/Sci-Fi Month!! Electric Gardens, by M. Black This is my own meme, which features beautiful book covers. In honor of SCIFI MONTH, I decided to feature a beautiful SF cover! This book is another YA novel.

4.) Teaser Tuesday/Sci-Fi Month!! Refugee, by Piers Anthony This is another weekly post for this meme. In this one, I feature a book I've read in the past, and would like to re-read. It's an adult novel.

5.) Can't Wait Wednesday/Sci-Fi Month!! Undying, by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner Here I'm featuring yet another Young Adult SF novel, by the two very popular YA authors of These Broken Stars, mentioned above.

6.) SCIFI MONTH BOOK REVIEW!! Spock Must Die! by James Blish This is the book I mentioned in my SCIFI MONTH Announcement Post. Blish was one of the first authors to write a science fiction novel based on Star Trek TOS (The Original Series). He also wrote adaptations of the original episodes, in a twelve-book series.

7.) Book Blitz/Giveaway/Sci-Fi Month!! Neron Rising, by Keary Taylor This is an event hosted by XPresso Book Tours, for which I am a host. This novel combines Dystopian Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Romance, and Suspense. The giveaway has four days left! 

8.) Can't Wait Wednesday/Sci-Fi Month!! Agency, by William Gibson For this week, I featured the newest book by the bestselling author, who is famous for such novels as Neuromancer and Mona Lisa Overdrive.

9.) S.J. Higbee, SF Author!! This is the SF writer who was instrumental in my finding out about SCIFI MONTH! In this post, I feature her SF trilogy, as well as anthologies she has contributed stories to.

I do wish I could have contributed more posts to SCIFI MONTH, but again, when I found out about it, it had already been underway for several days.

I'm really looking forward to participating with more posts, and, hopefully, at least three book reviews, next year! I still had a lot of fun, though, preparing my own posts, as well as checking out those of the other participants!

I hope to see all of you SF fans again next year!! (Although of course I will be publishing more SF posts next year, even if it's not SCIFI MONTH!!)



  1. This was a very cool event. I enjoyed your posts. Spock Must Die was a good choice for a book to read for the event. Hopefully next year I also will participate.

    1. Hi, Brian!

      Indeed it was!! :) :)

      I'm glad you enjoyed my posts!! And I just HAD to pick a Star Trek TOS novel for the event, especially one that featured Spock! I would have wanted to pick at least one more book, but didn't find out about this event right away....

      I sure hope you can join in as well in the coming year!!

      Thanks for the nice comment!! <3 :)


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