Saturday, September 15, 2018

Book Blogger Hop No. 142: My Most Detested Author!

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop,
hosted by Billy @

This Week's Question

What author do you not read
and why?

(Submitted  by Elizabeth @

Some of you may not be aware that I DESPISE the horror genre, and there's one specific author that I DETEST above any other horror writer. In this post, I totally rip both the genre and the author apart. If you happen to love horror, then read no further. I have every right to express my opinions. I don't want to antagonize anyone, but I feel VERY strongly about this! 

My Answer

Although I can mention a few authors I refuse to read, the one who tops the list is....STEPHEN KING. What?! I can almost hear the shocked, outraged whispers from horror fans. Lol. But the thing is, I am most definitely NOT a horror fan. My buddy Barb, over at Booker T's Farm, knows this VERY well! I comment on her "Can't Wait Wednesday" posts every week, and she usually picks horror novels. So, when I write these comments, I include funny sentences such as, "This one makes me quake in my boots!" or "Just call me Chicken Little!" Lol. So Barb knows just how I feel about the horror genre.

Interestingly, she did get me to read ONE horror novel recently, and there were even ZOMBIES in it!! However, and it's a BIG "however", this novel, which was a buddy read for us, was not that big on the horror elements. In fact I would call it "horror lite". (Maybe I've coined a new expression, huh? Lol.) 

The novel we read was Dread Nation, by Justina Ireland, and I LOVED it. Why? Because it was more of a scathing condemnation of racism, aimed at our own current political climate, than a real horror novel. The female protagonist is a kick-butt, no-nonsense person. And, interestingly enough, the novel also packed a lot of snarky humor. I totally enjoyed reading this book!

But back to ol' Stephen. Yes, I refuse to read his books, and one of the reasons (there are several others, which I will mention below) is that I happened to come across a short story of his once, and was dumb enough to read it..... Lol.

I remember mentioning this story, and detailing the plot, in a previous Book Blogger Hop post. For those who might not have read that post, here's the quote about this story:

"For some reason, I don't remember the title. Unfortunately, I DO remember the plot..... Here is a condensed version: a family moves into a dream home in a beautiful valley where everything is just WONDERFUL. Of course, it's all too good to be true. The price for this paradise-on-earth is a yearly sacrifice to the Devil.... So the family manages to escape one night, with only the clothes on their backs, and they start hitchhiking. They are eventually picked up by a van driven by a middle-aged, friendly hippie couple. Ah, King finally writes a happy ending, right? NOT. Everyone is merrily chatting away,  enjoying themselves, when, without warning, the cute little hippie couple turn into two DEMONS, and the van into a gigantic MOUTH that swallows up the entire family...."

Okay, so there you have it. THAT was enough Stephen King for me, thank you very much! If you would like to read the entire blog post this quote is taken from, you will find it HERE.

I think the above story is the product of a sick mind. It's the type of stuff a serial killer would dream up. It's disgusting, sadistic, and just pure EVIL. I can't take reading such things, not only because I'm squeamish, but also because I think writing these kinds of stories shows a total lack of compassion and basic human decency. 

That's precisely the thing about Stephen King. He apparently thrives on writing stories and novels that describe, in the goriest, most sickeningly repulsive ways, the terror and suffering undergone by his characters. To me, it seems as if Adolf Hitler had decided to pen the most horrifying incidents that ever took place in his concentration camps, and actually ENJOYED doing so. And, of course, made money doing so.  The fact that King writes fiction has no bearing on the matter. It sounds as if it's REAL, repulsively so.

I realize that this man has many fans. Well, you were all warned at the beginning of this post. I DETEST the entire horror genre!! But, most of all, I emphatically and unapologetically state this: I.HATE.STEPHEN.KING. Well, actually, I HATE his books. However, I could NEVER be friends with someone who writes such sick, twisted stuff, and makes a living by doing so.

I can simply conclude that yes, he does write very well. But that's IT. That story of his turned my stomach.

Last but not least, in case anyone should then say, "Aha! But you love reading vampire fiction!", I will reply that I love reading about ROMANTIC vampires. There's a BIG difference. Furthermore, these vamps fall into the category of paranormal romance and urban fantasy, NOT horror. (I'm thinking specifically of The Twilight Saga, as well as the Vampire Academy series.) One more thing: in urban fantasy, the good guys DO win in the end. In the horror genre, this is usually NOT the case. The story above is a case in point.

The PNR/UF authors I enjoy reading are Stephenie Meyer, Richelle Mead, Christine Feehan, Lynsay Sands, Kerrelyn Sparks,  and Amanda Ashley. Some of the vamps in these stories (the ones by Sands and Sparks), believe me, are NOT "Dracula-type" vamps. They are romantic, and even funny. 

Thanks to a co-worker, I have discovered The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, and have read the first book, Eighth Grade Bites, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Yes, this series is about a teen vamp. It's written by Heather Brewer (a pseudonym for a writer actually named Zac Brewer). So now I've added yet another vamp series to my faves! (Of the kind that don't make me cringe in abject fear!)

What are your thoughts on
this topic?
If you're participating in this hop,
I'll go comment on your 
own BBH post.
If not, I will then comment on one 
of your blog posts!
Thanks for visiting!!!  


  1. Well, you certainly have picked a big name to hate! 😂 Each to their own. I’m not a horror fan, but this is a writer I respect. I haven’t read a lot of his fiction, but I do enjoy his short stories and I am very impressed by his non fiction. He wrote Danse Macabre, a history of horror fiction I thought was very good. Also, he sticks essays about writing in general into his introductions. I loved what he said about the joy he, as a writer, once got out of being given a ream of clean, pristine paper to write on - “like a drunk with a fifth of Scotch”. The novel Misery was terrifying to me as a writer!

    Dracula is often presented as romantic in the film versions. He isn’t, in the novel. He is Vlad the Impaler, still around in the 19th century. It’s easy reading. I have recommended it to girls who were good readers and getting a bit tired of the vampire romances.

    You might, at some stage, try Polidori’s The Vampyre, easily available on Gutenberg. Not a romance by any means, but it was the first vampire novel with a vamp who was sexy. The evil but sexy Lord Ruthven was cheekily inspired by the poet Lord Byron, a friend of the author.

    1. Hi, Sue!

      Yes, indeed! But the fact that he's a big name doesn't impress me at all. I think it's sad that he creates the kind of fiction he does, to be honest. Although I do enjoy reading books with dramatic plots, I don't think there's any need to terrify a reader. I guess there's room for all reading tastes, but I don't pretend to understand why some people enjoy reading horror books, or seeing horror movies.

      I know King is an excellent writer. In that story I read, he was very effective in setting up the whole plot, creating suspense, and characterizations. I just wish he would write about something else.

      I have never wanted to read Bram Stoker's novel, and that won't change. It's too bad he's been romanticized in movies, because there's nothing romantic about a ruthless killer who feels no remorse about taking innocent lives.

      As I stated in this post, my main objection to the horror genre is that it feeds on fear and cruelty. There's nothing positive about it.

      I will never get tired of reading vampire romances. Some people might think they're silly, but I really don't care. To me, they're an apt metaphor for a person's struggle against their own evil impulses, their struggle to be loving and caring, instead. I think all of us have this struggle to some degree, but it's obviously magnified in the case of vampires, even though these are fictional creatures. These romantic vampires work hard to go against their own natures. I find this to be very positive.

      I might try reading Polidori's work, but I don't think I'll like it, to be honest. Unfortunately, sexy men in real life turn out to be narcissists. Ted Bundy comes to mind here. He was a very charming, handsome guy, and a cold-blooded killer.

      Thanks for the thought-provoking comment!! <3 :)

  2. Great post Maria. Though many will disagree with it. You articulate your ideas so well.

    Stephen King fans tend to be a bit rabid so you better beware :) Seriously, I have come to appreciate King a little more over the years. The story that you read sounds a little atypical. Though horrific things happen in his tales, he tends to revisit the theme of good verses evil, but in the end, the good usually wins, or at least achieves a moral victory. But, it is true that really horrible things usually happen along the way and that King and similar authors are not for you.

    In Thomas Ligotti‘s The Conspiricy Againsr the Human Race he speculates that horror is so popular because it accurately reflects how bad life really is. Though I think that he is on to something that it does reflect some of the bad parts of life, I am not as pessimistic as he is.

    1. Hi, Brian!

      Thanks so much for the compliment!! <3 <3

      Oh, man, I sure hope I don't suddenly get attacked by any of those rabid King fans! Lol.

      I'm surprised to hear that good wins out over evil in King's novels. I was under the impression that this was not the case. That story sure didn't end well for the good guys. The demons won in the end.

      The thing about the horror genre -- and King is, of course, part of that genre -- is that it feeds on fear and cruelty. This is really sad, alarming, very disturbing, and extremely negative. I think this genre is an assault on our basic humanity. Besides, although I do enjoy reading dramatic book plots, I just can't stomach horror. All those terrifying events, all that gore.... It's really mystifying to me that there are people who actually ENJOY reading this kind of stuff. Of course, there are all kinds of reading tastes. But I still shake my head in bewilderment.

      I'm going to check out this book by Thomas Ligotti. Although he might have a point, as you know, I am much too sensitive to handle this kind of stuff. Heck, just READING "The Exorcist" -- I never saw the movie, thank God -- affected me so strongly, I was unable to sleep well for weeks after finishing it. I wish I could somehow erase the memory of reading it, even though I don't consciously remember all the horrible events in it.

      Yes, King is an excellent writer. I just wish he would write about something else! I read somewhere that he's also written some fantasy, but I'll bet those novels also have elements of horror. So I feel much safer not touching any Stephen King book with a ten-foot pole!

      Thanks for the thought-provoking comment!! <3 :)

  3. I respect your choice to not read horror books. I also don't like Stephen Kings novels although I have read a few. I used to hate horror as much as you do but I found they are not all that bad and actually sometimes funny. I don't like being scared in fact I despise fear so anything that triggers the emotion, is going to be put down. I prefer the romantic vampires too and I love Vampire Academy. Karen Marie Moning is a favourite author in the paranormal romance genre. I also like Immortals after dark series by Kresley Cole.
    Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend.
    My Book Blogger Hop

    1. Hi, Jackie!

      Thanks for respecting my choice! I rally can't stomach horror novels!! <3 <3

      As for horror novels being funny, I don't think I could ever find any such novels funny, to be honest, unless I came across a parody of the genre. Some old horror movies are so bad, they're actually funny. That's what I've heard, anyway. I would never watch any such movie in order to find out, though!

      YAAAAY for romantic vampires!! And I LOVE the Vampire Academy series!!

      I have heard of Karen Moning, but have yet to read her novels. I will DEFINITELY do something about that! I did read part of one of Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark novels. I need to go back and read some more!

      You're very welcome for the sharing! Thanks for the great comment!! Hope you have a great Sunday!! <3 :)

  4. Hahaha I love this post! And weirdly enough I did buy a Stephen King book today at a secondhand store. I want to give him another shot since I know a couple of people on Instagram who are big fans. I've only read The Shining by him a few years ago and totally hated it so I don't know how I will feel about this book. It's The Gunslinger in The Dark Tower series so we'll see.

    And I also don't read a lot of horror but I did really enjoy The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco so I'd definitely recommend that duology!

    1. Hi, Steph!

      Thanks!! Glad you loved it!! <3 :)

      Oh, "The Shining"!! That's a SUPER scary book, from what I know of the plot, so I'm not surprised you didn't like it. I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot-pole, lol.

      I've heard about "The gunslinger", as well, and know that ir'a part of the The Dark Tower series. But I remain very wary of King. he probably has horror elements in ALL of his books, including the fantasy ones!

      I've just checked out "The Girl From the Well" on Goodreads. OMG!! DEFINITELY not for me!! Thanks for the rec anyway!!

      Thanks for the great comment!! HUGS!! <3 :)

  5. I have read Bag of Bones which was more of a dark fantasy and I was impressed by the depth of the characterisation and quality of writing - though I certainly wouldn't touch most of King's writing. I happen to think he is highly talented, but generally far too dark for me, given I tend to suffer from nightmares anyway...

    But I understand where you are coming from:). And wouldn't it be a boring old world if we all liked and appreciated the same books?

    1. Hi, Sarah!

      Well....the title alone made me shudder! However, I have looked up this book on Goodreads, and I do like the fact that the plot has an element of romance, plus the male protagonist is a noble crusader. however, I don't know about wading through all the horror elements in order to enjoy this story..... :)

      King is immensely talented, without question! It's just that I don't like the types of stories and novels he writes. As you say, he's "generally far too dark for me." DITTO! And, if you suffer from nightmares, you SURE don't need to read about fictional ones, which sound VERY realistic!! Lol.

      I've always been highly sensitive to strongly horrific and very emotional material. That's why I totally avoid watching the news on TV! I cry VERY easily, and get scared at the drop of a hat!

      Yes, it would indeed be a very boring world if everyone enjoyed the same reading material! However, it still puzzles me as to why people say they "enjoy" reading horror novels. I just don't understand how reading such books can possibly be an "enjoyable" experience. Oh, well! *shrugs*

      Thanks for the great comment!! HUGS!!! <3 :)

  6. I have no animosity or hatred towards anyone; that's not on my heart nor is it on my mind to do so. But in the same breath, I can't get into EL. James and Colleen Hoover, for very different reasons. I don't like Stephen King either lol. Not only because I don't read horror (I'm a huge wimp) but also because he told Stephenie Meyer she "couldn't write worth a damn" like come on dude!!!

    My post:

    1. Hi, Dani!

      OMG, I had not seen this comment before....SO sorry for not replying sooner! :(

      You know, perhaps the word "hate" was the wrong one to use here. But I did use it because I just CANNOT stomach King's writing. Yes, I'm a HUGE wimp myself, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, either! Lol. I don't enjoy reading terrifying novels, nor do I enjoy watching terrifying movies. I just stay COMPLETELY away from the horror genre, in any and all of its manifestations!

      I should have mentioned the disrespectful Stephenie Meyer comment King made, too. I don't know how I could have forgotten about that!! Yes, this is another reason to dislike the guy and his books! I guess he didn't like the fact that Meyer actually made people LIKE vamps. It seems that King wants them to remain scary. Well, each and every author who writes paranormal fiction has EVERY right to write about paranormal characters as they see fit!

      As for E.L. James and Coolleen Hoover, I've never read their novels. I HAVE read the synopsis of "Fifty Shades of Grey" on Wikipedia, though, and TOTALLY DETEST that book, as well as the other in the series! I haven't read the synopsis of any of Hoover's books, but I have read comments by other bloggers who have read them, and these bloggers mention that Hoover romanticizes abusive relationships. Well, I am TOTALLY AGAINST that, so, now that I know this about Hoover, I will ABSOLUTELY AVOID her books!!

      Thanks for the WONDERFUL comment!! Again, sorry for the late reply... I will go over to your blog right away to comment back! <3 :)


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Thanks for your thoughts on my posts! I always reply here, as well as comment back on your blog. Have a WONDERFUL day!! :)