Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Can't Wait Wednesday No. 69: Archenemies, by Marissa Meyer

Welcome to "Can't Wait Wednesday"!

This is a weekly event hosted by
Tressa @ Wishful Endings!
This is also where we excited book bloggers showcase future releases we're eagerly anticipating! 
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Here's my choice for this week!

(Renegades, Book 2)
Marissa Meyer
Hardcover, 560 pages pages
     November 6, 2018        
Fantasy, Science Fiction, 
Young Adult Fiction

The Renegades Trilogy continues, in this fiercely awaited second installment after the New York Times-bestselling Renegades by Marissa Meyer, author of the Lunar Chronicles.

Time is running out.
Together, they can save the world.
But they each other's worst nightmare.

In Renegades, Nova and Adrian (aka Insomnia and Sketch) fought the battle of their lives against the Anarchist known as the Detonator. It was a short-lived victory.

The Anarchists still have a secret weapon, one that Nova believes will protect her. The Renegades also have a strategy for overpowering the Anarchists, but both Nova and Adrian understand that it could mean the end of Gatlon City - and the world - as they know it.

 Why I can't wait for this one!

OMG.....I can't believe it! I own the first book in this projected trilogy -- Renegades -- and STILL haven't read it! Yeah, that's the story of my bookish life, lol. I see a great-looking book, either at Paradise (my nickname for my local B&N store, lol), or on Amazon, and it's INSTA-LOVE!! So I pick it up, and then, doesn't get read  for a while.....Sound familiar, guys? I guess all of us bookworms belong to this club, huh? Lol. Yeah, well, I REALLY gotta read these two books (see below), so I'm gonna give it my best shot!! Because I KNOW they're AWESOME!! 
(Ditto for The Lunar Chronicles!!)

Here's the first book in 
this best-selling trilogy!!

Marissa Meyer is a fangirl at heart, with a closet full of costumes, a Harry Potter wand on her desk, and a Tuxedo Mask doll hanging from her rear view mirror. Han and Leia are still her OTP. She may or may not be a cyborg.

Marissa writes books for teens, including the NYT bestselling series: The Lunar Chronicles.

What do you think of my
choice this week? 
Please leave a comment and
let me know!


  1. I loved The Lunar Chronicles so much and I really wanted to buy Renegades when it came out because of that but I still haven't. Hahaha story of my life. But oh the covers of these books are so freaking awesome!!

    1. Hi, Steph!

      I think I own "Cinder", the first volume of The Lunar Chronicles, but I have SO many books in our condo, I'm not exactly sure just where it is..... Lol.

      Yeah, these covers are STUNNNING! When I first saw "Renegades", I just HAD to have it!! Lol. So we agree on that! 😄😄 (I'm on my cell right now, so I'm able to put in emojis. Lol.)

      Glad you like this one, too!

      Sorry for the late reply.... Thanks for commenting! HUGS!! 😘😘😘💝💝💝

  2. We suffer from the same book problems so don't feel badly. Hope you are doing well and yep, this sounds like a great sequel. I need to try to make time for the first one but who am I kidding, I haven't finished the Lunar Chronicles yet. Hope you love this one!

    1. Hi, Barb!

      Yeah, I think all of us bookworms have the exact same problem! 😝😝😝

      I know I have a copy of "Cinder", the first book in The Lunar Chronicles, somewhere in this Hope we can both finish this series sometime soon.... 😄

      I have a feeling I'll love both "Renegades" and "Archenemies"! And The Lunar Chronicles, too, of course!

      Thanks for commenting!! HUGS FOR YOU & THOSE LOVABLE PUPS, AND WOOF, WOOF TO THEM!! 😊😊😊💝💝💝

  3. Awesome pick! I still need to read Renegades!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Hi, Ronyell!

      Thanks!! Glad you love it, too!! I need to read "Renegades", too!! Lol.

      Thanks for commenting!! <3 :)

  4. Ooh I love that cover design. This looks like a fun series and I suppose one of these days I should try Marissa Meyer's books!

    1. Hi, Greg!

      Yeah, I love it, too!! In fact, I LOVE both covers!!

      I agree -- this does look like a fun series!! And yeah, you should try Marissa Meyer's books! I know I need to, as I own both "Renegades" and "Cinder", the first book in The Lunar Chronicles series!

      Thanks for commenting!! <3 :)

  5. I have to read this series. It sounds great! Great pick this week!

    Mary my CWW!

    1. Hi, Mary!

      Yes, you do! I'm sure it's great, since it's by this author of The Lunar Chronicles!! Glad you like my pick!!

      Thanks for commenting!! <3 :)

  6. Well, I can see why you scooped up these two fine-looking books:). Hopefully sometime over the summer holidays you will get a chance to tuck into more Marissa Meyer goodness:)

    1. Hi, Sarah!

      Yeah!! I do need to read "Renegades" first, though! Lol., And, of course, I also read to need "Cinder", the first book of The Lunar Chronicles, which is "hiding" from me somewhere among my books! Lol.

      Thanks for commenting!! HUGS!! <3 <3 <3 :) :) :)


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